Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Schools Open-Run Carefully!

Autumn's in full swing and that means Halloween, Yankee post season baseball, and shorter days and longer nights. For runners, it also means RISK! The roads we usually run on are now more heavily traveled, as summer vacations are over, schools in session, and cars have reclaimed the roads. Daylight is becoming rarer as well, and in a few short weeks, daylight saving time will end. All this adds up to the fact that when we run, we have to take more precautions than ever to be safe. There's a few things we can do. Always run against (facing) traffic, if you listen to music, turn down the volume, and wear bright colored and reflective technical apparel. The "Nightlife" series of apparel by Brooks is specially designed for runner safety. It provides outstanding reflectivity, and it's bright colors literally light up the night when headlamps hit them. They also provide excellent visibility in daylight on cloudy/foggy/misty days that are all too common this time of year. This is a super season for running but we MUST take precautions to keep safety at the top of our list!


  1. Thanks for the heads-up on when the clocks change!

  2. You're very welcome! As much as I'll miss the "longer days," that extra hour of zzzzzzz'sss will make up for it! Thanks for your comment! :)
