Friday, July 23, 2010

Running and Charities

A day doesn't pass by in this media driven society when our attention isn't called to a celeb or sports star who's got a charitable foundation to fight a worthy cause. These folks parlay their celebrity status and popularity to raise millions of dollars that each of us "everyday people" couldn't raise in a lifetime.

As runner's though, collectively, we raise money for charities that rival many of the foundations that we read or hear about on a daily basis. There are too many to name here and even if it were possible, I'd unintentionally leave one out.

As the owner of Fleet Feet Sports Mahwah, I've literally met thousands of runner's and walkers who've come to shop at our store. Many of these folks have dedicated their training to run for a charitable cause, be it cancer, heart disease, disaster relief, a school or some other cause. Many personalize their training by dedicating their event to the memory of a loved one, who's life was prematurely taken as a result of the cause they're running/walking for.  In fact, last years NYC Marathons goal was to raise $21 million. That's just ONE race!!!

We certainly enjoy the health benefits from taking part in living an active lifestyle but, as members of the running community, we do much good by giving back to the communities we live in when we run for a cause. For that you should be proud!

As my late dad would have said, "stand up and take a bow!"


  1. I been a runner for 5 years, and I am very proud to say that I am running for a cause...

  2. That's nice to know! You're running for a purpose. More power to you and to your organization. May you help more more people! :)

  3. I like this post, very interesting and inspiring. Its nice to know that there are people who runs for charities. Great work! God Bless!

  4. This is very true about the charities. Great writing, you should write more!
