Have no fear! There are some pretty simple safety measures you can take so that you can lessen the nighttime risks.
- Take along your cell phone. There's little explanation needed for the logic behind this but, you can program numbers of your emergency contact in it (under ICE) so that heaven forbid, emergency personnel can locate the names/numbers easier.
- Wear ID. This, again, doesn't need much explanation and can make it easier in case of an emergency especially for folks who, for whatever reason, don't carry a cell phone when they run.
- Wear Reflective gear– You can never wear enough reflective gear and its unsafe to rely only on what's on your shoes. There's a wide variety of affordable items that you can tack on to your regular running clothes. At Fleet Feet Mahwah, we also sell the Brooks' Nightlife line of apparel and accessories that is designed specifically for running in the dark.
- Run with a friend or group: It's always better to run with a friend or group when it's dark out, especially if you're a female. You can never be too careful in this regard. If you can't run with someone, be sure to tell someone you're running route and ETA back home.
- Run in well lit parks or roads–Again, not rocket science. A well lit street or park, teamed up with your reflective gear will insure that you're easily seen. Better yet, when you're out on the roads, run against (facing) traffic.
- Leave the tunes home – We all like music to inspire and motivate us. We also sometimes like it to soothe our souls when we're out running but, at night, your music can put you at risk. It can drown out oncoming traffic and also make it easier for a prowler to sneak up on you. NOT cool!
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