Friday, June 24, 2011

Hydration is Critical For Summertime Running

As an owner the owner of Fleet Feet Mahwah, I see many runners of all abilities. This extends beyond our customers to those who participate in our training programs, be it the No Boundaries 5K, "Running 101 10K" or our "Half Marathon" program.

A key element in any running program is hydration and we stress it's importance in every training program we offer. Hydration's not hard to 'master' but it's very easy to neglect. The consequences of improper hydration, especially in the heat and humidity if summer, can be severe.
The article listed below while detailed, will give you the basics you need to follow hydration wise, so that you can safely run this season and avoid dehydration.

Fluid Facts for Athletes

By Nancy Clark, MS RD CSSD

If you are a serious athlete who works up a good sweat, you might have wondered how much you should drink before, during and after a hard workout. According to the American College of Sports Medicine's latest update on fluid needs for athletes (1), only you can determine that answer because fluid needs vary greatly from person to person. Here's what ACSM has to say...
  • Sweat rates commonly range between one to four pounds (one half to two quarts) per hour, depending on your sport and environmental conditions. Sweat rates for a 110-pound slow runner might be one pound (16 oz) of sweat per hour, while a 200-pound fast runner might lose about four pounds (a half-gallon) per hour. Even fast swimmers sweat -- almost a pound per hour of training. Football players might lose more than two gallons of sweat in a day.

  • Few athletes actually make the effort to learn their sweat rates; they simply drink according to thirst throughout their workout. This can be OK if you exercise gently for less than an hour. But if you will be sweating bullets for extended exercise, you really should know your sweat rate. Otherwise, you are likely to repeatedly under-hydrate, become chronically dehydrated and hurt your performance.

  • To determine if you are adequately hydrating on a daily basis, simply weigh yourself nude each day in the morning after having emptied your bladder and bowels. Your weight should remain relatively stable and not creep downwards. This weight assumes
    • you are not restricting calories to lose fat-weight
    • you have not eaten abnormally high amounts of sodium the night before, such as a water-retaining Chinese dinner
    • you are not experiencing two to four pounds of pre-menstrual bloat.

  • There's no need to try to super-hydrate pre-exercise; your body can absorb just so much fluid. If you overdrink, you then may have to (inconveniently) urinate during exercise; the kidneys can only make about one quart of urine per hour. A wise tactic is to tank-up two or more hours pre-exercise; this allows time for your kidneys to process and eliminate the excess. Then drink again five to 15 minutes pre-exercise.

  • Some athletes can tolerate exercising while dehydrated better than others. But most athletes who lose more than two percent of their body weight in sweat losses lose both their mental edge and their physical ability to perform well, especially if the weather is hot. Yet during cold weather, you are less likely to experience reduced performance even at three percent dehydration (4.5 lbs sweat loss for a 150 lb athlete). Dehydration (three to five percent) does not seem to impact either muscle strength or anaerobic performance. Yet, sweat loss of nine percent to 12 percent body weight can lead to death.

  • Intravenous fluid replacement is warranted when an athlete has become more than seven percent dehydrated (either by sweat losses, diarrhea or vomiting). In most cases, there is no advantage to taking fluids by IV, unless for medical necessity. But please, stay out of the medical tent by knowing your sweat rate and drinking accordingly.

  • If you become significantly dehydrated and have to exercise again within 12 hours, such as during a tennis tournament or triathlon training, you need to aggressively rehydrate. This means drinking 50 percent more fluid than your sweat losses (to account for the water you lose via urine.) Sipping fluids for several hours after you exercise maximizes fluid retention and is preferable to gulping one big drink.

  • Sweat contains more than just water; it has electrically charged particles that help keep water in the right balance inside and outside of cells.
Average amount/ 2 lbs (1 liter,~1 quart) sweat
Food reference
800 mg (range 200-1,600)
1 quart Gatorade = 440 mg Sodium
200 mg (range 120-600)
1 med banana = 450 mg Potassium
20 mg (range 6-40)
8 oz yogurt = 300 mg Calcium
10 mg (range 2-18)
2 Tbsp peanut butter = 50 mg Mg

  • Dehydration is more common than overhydration, but overhydration to the point of hyponatremia (low blood sodium) is very dangerous and can escalate into seizures, coma and death. The symptoms (that become increasingly severe), include headache, vomiting, swollen hands and feet, undue fatigue, confusion (due to progressive swelling of water in the brain) and wheezing (due to water in the lungs).

  • In general, hyponatremia that occurs in events that last for less than four hours is from overdrinking water before, during and even after the event. Don't drink more than you sweat; learn your sweat rate!

  • Hyponatremia that occurs in ultra-endurance events that last for more than four hours is often related to extreme sodium losses. Hence, with extended exercise, be sure to replace sodium losses with more than just sports drinks. (Sports drinks generally contain too little sodium to balance sweat loss.) Choose endurance sports drinks and salty snacks such as pretzels, V-8 juice, soup, olives, salt sprinkled on foods and even salt tablets.

  • You are likely to maintain better hydration if you have easy access to good tasting beverages before, during and after exercise. "Good tasting" means:
    • a cool temperature (most athletes prefer between 60-70° F)
    • a little sodium
    • an appealing flavor. (What makes a flavor "appealing" varies greatly between people, cultures).
  • Muscle cramps are believed to be associated with dehydration, electrolyte deficits and muscle fatigue. If you sweat profusely, are left caked with salt and experience cramps, take extra care to drink plenty of sodium-containing fluids while exercising. Because of the high salt content in the standard American diet, you can likely replace sodium losses during meals without sodium supplements. But consuming extra salt on your food if you had high sweat losses can be a smart way to enhance recovery, retain fluid and stimulate thirst.

  • If you like a caffeine-boost pre-exercise to enhance your performance, caffeine--in small doses; (180 mg/day, a 12-oz mug) is unlikely to increase your daily urine output nor cause you to become dehydrated. Enjoy it, if desired!

  • Alcohol, on the other hand, does have a diuretic effect, particularly in large amounts. After exercise, consume alcohol only in moderation, if at all, with lots of extra water (plus some carbs to buffer the alcohol and refuel the muscles).

  • When you are exercising hard for more than an one hour (or doing less intense, longer exercise), adding 120 to 240 calories of carbohydrates (30-60 g) per hour to your water can help you perform better. These carbs help maintain normal blood glucose levels so you are able to enjoy sustained energy. Sports drinks are an easy way to get carbs + water; for example, 16 ounces of Gatorade offers 25 g carb; 16 oz, Powerade, 140 cals, 35 g carb.

The Bottom Line
For athletes, the saying "Drink responsibly" holds true for all fluids (alcohol-containing or not). Don't let dehydration--or overhydration--hurt your ability to enjoy exercise and perform at your best.
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD counsels casual exercisers and competitive athletes in her private practice at Healthworks, the premier fitness center in Chestnut Hill MA (617-383-6100). Her Sports Nutrition Guidebook, Food Guide for Marathoners and Cyclist's Food Guide are available at For her workshop information, see

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff! I drink half a gallon of water every day just at work.
