Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The "Inner" Side of Running

As the owner of a running specialty store, I've met literally thousands of runner's during Fleet Feet Mahwah's seven plus years that we've been in business! Each runner has a special reason for running and each of those reasons are as unique as the runners themselves. Once we get talking, the topic of "personal best" often comes up, and that usually ends up with me and the customer trading stories about our running experiences.

For most, a "personal best" revolves around speed or a time goal for a specific distance. But, can a personal best be measured by other factors than speed?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cold Weather Running Myths Debunked

Well, Mother Nature must've been reading the deleted e-mails out of East Anglie because this week she's sure put global warming on HOLD!  BRRRRR!

When the weather gets cold, some folks resort to the "dreadmill" to get their miles in but, there's really no need, especially with the technology behind today's modern running apparel.

None the less, when it get cold out, we here at Fleet Feet Mahwah get many questions about cold weather running--we also hear quite a few "whoopers" about outdoor running in the winter.

Let's examine the most popular to separate "Myth" from "Truth!"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Slow Marathoners Re-visited

Not too long ago in this blog, I responded to a NY Times Op-Ed that felt slower marathoners should be banned from racing. You can scroll down to read that post so I won't bore you and repeat that here.

Fleet Feet Mahwah, over the last seven years, for our marathon training program, worked in conjunction with Jeff Galloway, who I've called the "Mick Jagger of road running!"